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An Introduction to Smart Contracts on Ethereum

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Introduction to Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are one of the foundational elements of blockchain technology, especially on Ethereum. They are programs that run on the blockchain, allowing decentralized, automated transactions without relying on traditional intermediaries. This article will break down the basics of smart contracts, how they work, and the key concepts you need to understand.

What Are Smart Contracts?

Smart contracts are not "contracts" in the traditional sense. Instead, they are computer programs that execute actions based on pre-defined rules. Here's a quick overview of what makes them unique:

  • No Private Keys: Unlike Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs), which are controlled with private keys, smart contracts control themselves based on their code.
  • Immutable: Once deployed, a smart contract's code cannot be changed. If you need to make changes, you have to deploy a new version of the contract.
  • Deterministic: Given the same input and blockchain state, smart contracts will always produce the same output, ensuring consistency across the network.
  • EVM Context: Smart contracts operate in a limited execution environment called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). They can only access their own state, transaction details, and some recent blockchain information.
  • Single-Threaded Execution: Smart contracts don't run in parallel. The EVM operates as a single-threaded machine, meaning contracts execute sequentially.

How Smart Contracts Run

Smart contracts do not run continuously. Instead, they lie dormant and only execute when they receive a transaction that triggers their code. Importantly, contracts are always ultimately triggered by an EOA, and they do not execute on their own in the background.

Example of a Simple State Machine

A useful analogy is to think of a smart contract as a state machine. Consider a turnstile with two states: locked and unlocked. Depending on the action (adding a coin or pushing the turnstile), it transitions between these states. Similarly, smart contracts change state based on transactions that trigger specific functions.

Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface)

The Application Binary Interface (ABI) is how different components of a program interact, and it's crucial for smart contracts to function on Ethereum.

  • Interface: ABI defines how functions and data structures are accessed in machine code, enabling interaction between different contracts.
  • Encoding and Decoding: The ABI is used to encode data for contract calls and decode data from transactions.
  • JSON Format: The ABI is typically provided as a JSON array that includes details of functions, types, names, inputs, and outputs.

Solidity Built-In Variables

Solidity provides built-in global variables and functions that developers can use to access important information about blocks, transactions, and contracts:

msg Object (Transaction Context)

  • msg.sender: Address that initiated the call.
  • msg.value: Amount of Ether sent with the call.
  • msg.data: The data payload of the call.
  • msg.sig: The function selector (first 4 bytes of msg.data).

tx Object (Transaction Details)

  • tx.gasprice: Gas price for the transaction.
  • tx.origin: Original sender of the transaction. (Note: Using tx.origin can be unsafe.)

block Object (Block Information)

  • block.number: Current block number.
  • block.timestamp: Timestamp for the current block.
  • block.difficulty: Difficulty level of mining the block.

Error Handling in Smart Contracts

Error handling is a critical part of developing reliable smart contracts. Solidity provides several mechanisms to handle errors:

  • assert: Used for conditions that should never fail (e.g., internal logic checks).
  • require: Used to validate external inputs (e.g., user-supplied data).
  • revert: Explicitly revert the transaction, undoing all changes.

Example of better error handling using require:

require(this.balance >= withdraw_amount, "Insufficient balance in faucet for withdrawal request");

Adding error-checking code like this increases gas costs slightly but improves safety and clarity.

Events in Smart Contracts

Events are used to log specific actions in smart contracts. When a transaction is completed, it generates a transaction receipt containing event logs. These logs can be useful for tracking contract interactions.


emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

Calling Other Contracts

Smart contracts can call functions in other contracts in different ways, each with its own characteristics:

  1. Direct Call

    • Uses a high-level approach to interact with a new or existing contract.
    • Throws an exception if the call fails.
    SomeContract instance = new SomeContract();
  2. send

    • Transfers Ether, with a gas limit of 2300.
    • Returns a boolean for success or failure.
    bool sent = recipient.send(amount);
    if (!sent) {
        // Handle failure
  3. call

    • Low-level function to call another contract.
    • Returns a boolean and data for more complex handling.
    (bool success, bytes memory data) = contractAddress.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("functionName(argTypes)", args));
    if (!success) {
        // Handle failure
  4. delegatecall

    • Executes another contract's code within the caller's context.
    • Commonly used for library contracts and proxy patterns.
    (bool success, bytes memory data) = libraryAddress.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("functionName(argTypes)", args));
    if (!success) {
        // Handle failure

Gas Considerations

Gas is the computational fuel of Ethereum. Managing gas costs is essential for building efficient contracts.

  • Out of Gas Errors: If gas runs out during execution, the state reverts, but gas fees are still consumed.
  • Minimize Gas Costs:
    • Avoid using dynamic arrays, as looping through them can be costly.
    • Reduce calls to external contracts to minimize risks of gas exhaustion.
    • Use development tools to estimate gas costs during development.


Smart contracts are a powerful tool that makes Ethereum more than just a digital currency network. By understanding smart contracts, their execution model, and best practices for development, you can write robust decentralized applications that leverage the full potential of blockchain technology.

My shorthand notes were the source material for this article produced by generative AI.