Web Development

DNS and Nameservers

DNS is obviously a very important component of the Internet. Many people understand DNS works much like a phone book, where finding a phone number for a person requires looking for their name in an alphabetical list and then using the number adjacent.

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Deploy websites using Git - the easy way

After hours of playing around with ssh, sudo, user permissions etc. trying to deploy a PHP website from a Github repository, the best solution I could find was to not use Github at all. I am a big fan of Git and Github, but automatically deploying a website from a Github repository was very fiddly and in the end more trouble than it was worth.

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HTTP Cache Poisoning

I have started working through the WebGoat tutorials from OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). The first tute covering HTTP splitting and cache poisoning was difficult enough for me to start with, and in fact I could write a whole post on installing WebGoat and WebScarab which was an achievement in itself.

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Blackberry 8800 html checkbox issues

This was such a mission to fix, it deserves a post. Starting with a very basic login page using standard html form elements, a couple of text inputs for username and password, a checkbox to accept terms and conditions and a submit button. The login system would work fine on very early blackberries version 3.7.0 - those really old text only browser versions. It also worked on the latest 9530 blackberries version 4.7.0.

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Network Password Error Outlook 2003

I recently came across this problem for a network we provide support for at work, there were not that many solutions for it out there on the world wide web as far as I could see so I thought I would write up what I found:
Password prompt keeps popping up even though the password is saved on the system. Real pig of a problem, Outlook 2002 had same issue but Microsoft fixed, however, when 2003 came out the same issue arose again (possibly only in xp I don't know). A few solutions online including this one and this one recommend messing around with registry keys but personally I am loathe to messing around with registry keys especially on remote desktops for clients when I am connecting on a slow vnc connection.

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